Welcome to Peak Speak #117

Your Weekly Dose of Elevating Your Speaking Skills Newsletter

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Welcome to Peak Speak #117

Hey Peak Speakers!

Ready to supercharge your speaking game and take your success beyond the stage? This week’s edition of Peak Speak is packed with strategies, insights, and actionable tips that will help you amplify your influence, diversify your income, and connect more deeply with your audience. 🚀

Let’s kick things off with “Building Multiple Income Streams as a Speaker: Beyond the Stage.” If you’re only relying on speaking engagements for income, it’s time to think bigger! We’re diving into practical ways to turn your expertise into a thriving business with digital products, coaching services, and more. You’ll discover how to create lasting impact while boosting your bottom line.

But that’s not all! Ever wondered how to grab your audience’s attention right from the start? Our article “Mastering the Art of the Perfect Speech Opening” breaks down the essentials of crafting an opening that hooks your audience and keeps them engaged. Trust me, once you’ve mastered this, your speeches will never be the same again.

Next up, we’re talking repurposing. You’ve poured your heart into your speeches—now let’s make sure that content keeps working for you! In “Repurposing Your Speaking Content: From Stage to Digital Assets,” we’ll show you how to transform your presentations into blog posts, online courses, podcasts, and more, extending your reach and creating additional revenue streams.

And speaking of staying sharp under pressure, “Mindfulness for Speakers: Staying Calm and Focused Under Pressure” is your go-to guide for incorporating mindfulness into your routine. Learn how to use simple techniques to stay centered, reduce anxiety, and deliver your best performance every time.

Finally, we’re wrapping things up with a little secret to getting more gigs: “Building Relationships with Event Planners: Your Key to More Gigs.” If you’re looking to book more speaking engagements, this article is your roadmap to building strong, lasting relationships with the people who can make it happen.

🔥 Plus! As a thank you for being a loyal Peak Speak reader, we’ve got a special discount on our latest mini-course, but it’s only available for a limited time—so don’t miss out!

Get ready to dive into these articles, apply the insights, and watch your speaking career soar. Let’s make this week one of growth, connection, and powerful presentations!

Let’s get started!

We’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to [email protected] with your comments, complaints or suggestions.

Building Multiple Income Streams as a Speaker: Beyond the Stage

As a speaker, you’ve already harnessed the power of your voice to inspire, educate, and motivate audiences. But if you’re relying solely on speaking engagements for income, you could be leaving money on the table. Diversifying your revenue streams not only stabilizes your income but also amplifies your influence and reach. By expanding your business beyond the stage, you can create multiple income streams that work for you—even when you’re not speaking. Here’s how to do it.

1. Create and Sell Digital Products

One of the most scalable ways to generate income is by creating digital products. These can include online courses, e-books, webinars, and downloadable resources. Your audience is eager to learn from you, and digital products allow you to package your expertise in a way that can be sold repeatedly with minimal ongoing effort.


  • Online Courses: Develop a course around your core expertise. If you’re a motivational speaker, consider a course on goal-setting or personal development. Platforms like Teachable or Udemy make it easy to host and sell your courses.

  • E-Books: Compile your insights into an e-book. Whether it’s a deep dive into a specific topic you speak on or a collection of your best advice, e-books are a low-cost entry point for your audience.

  • Webinars: Host live or recorded webinars on niche topics that align with your speaking themes. Webinars can be standalone products or part of a broader course offering.

How to Get Started: Identify the key topics your audience is most interested in and start by creating one digital product. Focus on quality and delivering real value. Once you have a successful product, you can expand your digital portfolio.

2. Offer Coaching or Consulting Services

Your speaking engagements demonstrate your expertise, but some individuals or organizations will want more personalized advice. Offering coaching or consulting services allows you to provide tailored guidance, helping clients apply your principles to their specific challenges.


  • One-on-One Coaching: Offer personalized coaching sessions for individuals seeking to improve their skills in your area of expertise. This could be anything from public speaking coaching to leadership development.

  • Group Coaching: If you prefer working with multiple clients at once, consider group coaching sessions. This not only allows you to help more people at once but also maximizes your earning potential.

  • Corporate Consulting: Many organizations are willing to pay for expert advice on improving team dynamics, communication, or leadership. Position yourself as a consultant who can provide strategic guidance and actionable plans.

How to Get Started: Develop a clear coaching or consulting package that outlines your services, target audience, and pricing. Use testimonials from past clients to build credibility, and promote your services during your speaking engagements and on your website.

3. Host Your Own Events

Instead of waiting for speaking opportunities to come to you, create your own. Hosting events such as workshops, seminars, or even full conferences allows you to control the narrative, set your fees, and build your brand.


  • Workshops: Organize half-day or full-day workshops focused on hands-on learning. These can be intimate, allowing for deep dives into specific topics.

  • Seminars: Larger than a workshop, seminars can be a series of talks or presentations by you or guest speakers, focusing on a broader theme.

  • Conferences: Take it a step further by hosting an annual conference where multiple speakers (including yourself) cover various topics. This not only positions you as a thought leader but also opens doors to sponsorships.

How to Get Started: Start small with a workshop or seminar before expanding to larger events. Choose a venue, plan your content, and market the event through your network and social media channels. Offering early-bird pricing can help drive initial registrations.

4. Develop a Membership Site

A membership site can provide ongoing value to your audience while generating a recurring revenue stream for you. Members pay a monthly or annual fee for exclusive access to content, resources, and a community centered around your expertise.


  • Exclusive Content: Offer members-only articles, videos, webinars, and interviews.

  • Community Access: Create a forum or private social media group where members can interact with you and each other.

  • Discounts and Early Access: Provide members with discounts on your products and services, or early access to new offerings.

How to Get Started: Use platforms like Patreon, Memberful, or Kajabi to set up your membership site. Start by offering a few key pieces of content and gradually expand your offerings as your membership grows.

5. Write a Book

A book is not only a great way to share your message with a wider audience but also a powerful tool for establishing your authority. Whether you go the traditional publishing route or self-publish, a book can open doors to new speaking engagements, media appearances, and consulting opportunities.


  • Traditional Publishing: If you have a strong platform and a unique message, consider pitching your book idea to a traditional publisher.

  • Self-Publishing: Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) allow you to publish your book without a publisher, giving you control over the content and profits.

How to Get Started: Start by outlining your book’s key themes and chapters. Dedicate time each day or week to writing, and consider hiring an editor or ghostwriter if needed. Once your book is ready, plan a launch campaign to maximize its impact.

Closing and Actionable Recommendations

Building multiple income streams as a speaker not only diversifies your revenue but also allows you to expand your influence, reach more people, and create lasting impact. Here’s how you can start implementing these strategies:

  1. Choose Your First Expansion: Identify one additional income stream that aligns with your strengths and audience. Whether it’s creating a digital product, offering coaching, or hosting a workshop, focus on one area to start.

  2. Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for this new income stream. Set measurable goals, such as earning a specific amount of revenue, attracting a certain number of clients, or launching by a certain date.

  3. Market Your New Offering: Use your existing platform—social media, email lists, and speaking engagements—to promote your new product or service. Create a marketing plan that includes regular promotions, special offers, and testimonials to build credibility.

  4. Test, Learn, and Expand: After launching your first additional income stream, gather feedback and analyze the results. Use what you learn to refine your approach and consider expanding into another area.

By taking these steps, you’ll not only increase your income but also establish yourself as a multifaceted professional who can offer value beyond the stage. Start today, and watch your speaking business grow into a thriving enterprise with diverse revenue streams that sustain your success.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Mastering the Art of the Perfect Speech Opening

The first few moments of your speech are crucial. In those opening seconds, your audience will decide whether to lean in and listen or mentally check out. Crafting a powerful opening is an art that can set the tone for your entire presentation, capturing attention and setting the stage for everything that follows. Here’s how to master the art of the perfect speech opening.

1. Start with a Hook

Your opening line should grab your audience’s attention instantly. A well-crafted hook can be a surprising fact, a provocative question, a powerful quote, or a short, compelling story. The goal is to pique curiosity and make your audience eager to hear more.


  • Surprising Fact: “Did you know that 70% of people fear public speaking more than death?”

  • Provocative Question: “What would you do if you had to give the most important speech of your life tomorrow?”

  • Powerful Quote: “As Maya Angelou once said, ‘People will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.’”

  • Short Story: “When I was seven years old, I had my first encounter with stage fright. I was standing in front of my entire school…”

Actionable Tip: Think about your speech topic and audience. Choose an opening that resonates with them and sets the tone for the message you want to deliver.

2. Establish Credibility and Connection

After grabbing their attention, it’s essential to establish why your audience should listen to you. Briefly share your expertise or experience related to the topic. At the same time, find a way to connect with your audience on a personal level. This builds trust and rapport.


  • Share Your Expertise: “As someone who has spent over 15 years in leadership development…”

  • Connect Personally: “Like many of you, I’ve faced the challenge of leading a team through tough times…”

Actionable Tip: Don’t overdo this part—keep it brief and relevant. Your goal is to establish authority while remaining relatable.

3. Preview Your Main Points

Give your audience a roadmap of what to expect. This doesn’t have to be a dry list of topics but rather a tantalizing glimpse of the value you’re about to deliver. A well-crafted preview primes your audience for what’s coming and keeps them engaged.


  • “Today, we’re going to explore three key strategies that will help you overcome public speaking anxiety, boost your confidence, and captivate any audience.”

  • “By the end of this talk, you’ll have practical tools for leading your team through change, building resilience, and driving innovation.”

Actionable Tip: Summarize your key points in a way that highlights the benefits to your audience. Make them excited about what’s to come.

4. Set the Tone and Energy Level

The energy you bring in your opening sets the stage for the rest of your speech. Whether you want to convey enthusiasm, seriousness, or inspiration, your tone should match the content and the mood you want to create.


  • Energetic: Start with high energy if your goal is to motivate or inspire.

  • Serious: If discussing a heavy or important topic, use a calm, measured tone.

  • Humorous: If appropriate, a light-hearted joke can put the audience at ease and make you more relatable.

Actionable Tip: Practice your opening with different tones to see what feels natural and aligns with your speech’s overall message.

5. Involve Your Audience Early

Engaging your audience from the start can increase their investment in your speech. Consider involving them with a show of hands, a quick poll, or even a brief interactive exercise. This creates a sense of participation and keeps them engaged from the outset.


  • “Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt nervous before giving a presentation.”

  • “Take a moment to think about the last time you faced a major challenge at work…”

Actionable Tip: Tailor your interaction to the size and nature of your audience. Keep it simple and relevant to your topic.

Wrapping It Up

The perfect speech opening is a combination of a strong hook, credibility, a preview of what’s to come, the right tone, and early audience involvement. By mastering these elements, you’ll capture your audience’s attention and set the stage for a memorable and impactful presentation.

Actionable Recommendations:

  1. Craft Your Hook: Choose an opening that aligns with your message and resonates with your audience. Practice delivering it with confidence.

  2. Establish Connection: Share a brief, relevant personal story or experience to build trust and rapport.

  3. Outline Your Key Points: Clearly and compellingly preview what your audience will gain from your speech.

  4. Match Your Tone: Adjust your energy and tone to fit the mood you want to create, whether it’s motivational, serious, or light-hearted.

  5. Engage Immediately: Plan a quick interaction that gets your audience involved right from the start.

By focusing on these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of the perfect speech opening, ensuring your audience is hooked and eager to hear more.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Repurposing Your Speaking Content: From Stage to Digital Assets

As a speaker, you pour time and effort into crafting powerful presentations that captivate your audience. But what happens after you step off the stage? If your content isn’t reaching beyond the room you spoke in, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to expand your influence and generate additional income. Repurposing your speaking content into digital assets is a smart way to maximize the impact of your message while diversifying your revenue streams.

Here’s how to effectively turn your stage content into a variety of digital assets:

1. Transform Speeches into Blog Posts

Your speeches are packed with valuable insights that can be repurposed into blog posts. Break down your presentations into bite-sized articles that explore key points or expand on specific ideas. This not only keeps your content alive but also enhances your online presence, driving traffic to your website and increasing your credibility as an expert.

Actionable Tip: Start by transcribing your speech and then edit it into a series of blog posts. Each post can focus on a different aspect of your presentation, making your content accessible to a broader audience.

2. Create an Online Course

If your speech is educational, consider transforming it into an online course. You can expand on your presentation topics, add quizzes or exercises, and offer in-depth explanations to create a comprehensive learning experience. Platforms like Teachable or Udemy make it easy to host and sell your course, providing ongoing value to your audience.

Actionable Tip: Outline your course by breaking down your speech into modules or lessons. Record videos, create supporting materials, and package it into a complete online course that can generate passive income.

3. Develop E-Books or Guides

Your speech content can also be turned into downloadable e-books or guides. These digital products are perfect for audience members who prefer to consume information at their own pace. Plus, they serve as excellent lead magnets to grow your email list or as paid products that add to your income streams.

Actionable Tip: Compile your speech notes, slides, and additional insights into a well-organized e-book. Add value by including actionable tips, worksheets, or checklists that readers can use to apply your teachings.

4. Launch a Podcast Series

If you enjoy speaking and have more to share, why not repurpose your content into a podcast series? Each episode can dive into topics you’ve covered in your speeches, reaching a whole new audience of listeners. Podcasts allow you to build a loyal following and keep the conversation going long after your live event is over.

Actionable Tip: Use your speech as the foundation for a series of podcast episodes. Record discussions, interviews, or solo episodes that expand on your original content. Promote your podcast through your existing channels to attract listeners.

5. Host Webinars or Live Streams

Webinars and live streams are excellent ways to repurpose your content while engaging with your audience in real-time. Take the key themes from your speeches and present them in an online format, allowing for interaction and Q&A. This not only reinforces your message but also helps you build stronger connections with your audience.

Actionable Tip: Schedule a live webinar or stream that revisits the core ideas of your speech. Use interactive elements like polls or chat to engage viewers and address their questions or concerns.

Wrapping It Up

Repurposing your speaking content into digital assets is a powerful way to extend the life of your message and reach a broader audience. By transforming your presentations into blog posts, online courses, e-books, podcasts, and webinars, you can continue to share your expertise, generate income, and build your brand long after your speech is over.

Actionable Recommendations:

  1. Identify Key Content: Review your past speeches and identify which topics or sections can be expanded or adapted into digital formats.

  2. Choose Your Platforms: Decide which digital assets (blog posts, e-books, online courses, etc.) align best with your goals and audience.

  3. Plan and Execute: Create a content calendar to schedule the development and release of your digital assets. Start with one format and expand as you see success.

  4. Promote Widely: Use your existing channels—social media, email lists, and speaking engagements—to promote your new digital content and drive engagement.

By repurposing your content, you’re not only getting more mileage out of your hard work but also creating valuable resources that continue to impact your audience, long after the applause fades.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Mindfulness for Speakers: Staying Calm and Focused Under Pressure

Public speaking can be exhilarating, but it often comes with a healthy dose of pressure. Whether it’s the anticipation of stepping onto the stage or the challenge of staying present during a high-stakes presentation, maintaining your composure is crucial. That’s where mindfulness comes in. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay calm, focused, and centered, no matter the circumstances.

Here’s how mindfulness can be your secret weapon as a speaker:

1. Practice Mindful Breathing

One of the simplest and most effective mindfulness techniques is mindful breathing. By focusing on your breath, you can calm your nervous system and bring yourself into the present moment. This is especially helpful in the minutes leading up to your speech when nerves might be running high.

How to Do It: Before you speak, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose, hold for a couple of seconds, and exhale through your mouth. Focus solely on your breath, letting go of any distracting thoughts.

2. Stay Present During Your Speech

Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment, which is essential when you’re on stage. Rather than worrying about how the audience is reacting or what’s coming next, focus on delivering your message with clarity and intention.

How to Do It: During your speech, occasionally bring your awareness back to your body—feel your feet on the ground or notice the sound of your voice. This keeps you grounded and helps prevent your mind from wandering.

3. Use Visualization Techniques

Visualization is a powerful mindfulness tool that can reduce anxiety and enhance your performance. By mentally rehearsing your speech and visualizing a successful outcome, you prepare your mind to stay calm and confident when it’s time to deliver.

How to Do It: Before your presentation, close your eyes and visualize yourself on stage. Picture the audience’s positive reactions, see yourself speaking with confidence, and imagine everything going smoothly. This positive imagery can boost your self-assurance and reduce pre-speech jitters.

4. Embrace Imperfections

Mindfulness teaches us to accept the present moment as it is—imperfections and all. No speech is ever perfect, and embracing this fact can free you from the fear of making mistakes. When you’re less focused on perfection, you can be more authentic and connect better with your audience.

How to Do It: Remind yourself that it’s okay if things don’t go exactly as planned. If you stumble over a word or lose your train of thought, take a breath, and continue without dwelling on it. Your audience is more interested in your message than in a flawless performance.

Wrapping It Up

Incorporating mindfulness into your speaking routine can help you stay calm, focused, and resilient under pressure. By practicing mindful breathing, staying present, using visualization, and embracing imperfections, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of public speaking with poise and confidence.

Actionable Recommendations:

  1. Start with Breathing: Incorporate deep, mindful breathing into your pre-speech routine to calm your nerves and center yourself.

  2. Practice Presence: During your speech, stay grounded by occasionally bringing your awareness back to your body and voice.

  3. Visualize Success: Use visualization before your speech to mentally prepare for a positive and confident performance.

  4. Accept Imperfections: Embrace the idea that perfection isn’t necessary—focus on delivering your message authentically.

By integrating these mindfulness techniques, you’ll find that speaking becomes not only more manageable but also more enjoyable, as you stay calm and connected with both yourself and your audience.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Building Relationships with Event Planners: Your Key to More Gigs

Securing speaking engagements often hinges on more than just your talent on stage—it’s about who you know. Building strong relationships with event planners is one of the most effective ways to get booked consistently. These connections can open doors to new opportunities, repeat invitations, and even referrals to other events. Here’s how to cultivate and maintain these valuable relationships.

1. Understand Their Needs

Event planners juggle countless details to ensure their events run smoothly. By understanding their specific needs and challenges, you can position yourself as not just a speaker, but a valuable partner who helps them achieve their goals.

How to Do It: When approaching an event planner, ask about their event’s objectives and audience. Tailor your pitch to show how your presentation can help them succeed. The more you can align your value with their needs, the more likely they are to book you.

2. Be Easy to Work With

Professionalism and reliability go a long way in building trust with event planners. Being easy to work with—from initial contact to post-event follow-up—can set you apart from other speakers.

How to Do It: Respond to communications promptly, be flexible with requests, and deliver everything you promise, whether it’s materials for promotion or arriving early for your sound check. A positive, can-do attitude leaves a lasting impression.

3. Deliver Exceptional Value

Your relationship with event planners doesn’t end when you step off the stage. Delivering an outstanding presentation that resonates with the audience reflects well on the event planner, making them more likely to hire you again.

How to Do It: Focus on creating a tailored, engaging presentation that addresses the audience’s needs and provides actionable takeaways. After the event, thank the planner for the opportunity and ask for feedback to show that you’re committed to continuous improvement.

4. Stay in Touch

Relationships need to be nurtured to grow. Staying in touch with event planners keeps you top-of-mind for future events and helps you build a long-term professional relationship.

How to Do It: Follow up after the event with a thank-you note or email. Keep them updated on new topics you’re speaking on or upcoming events where you’ll be presenting. A little effort in maintaining contact can lead to more gigs down the road.

Wrapping It Up

Building strong relationships with event planners is essential for securing more speaking gigs. By understanding their needs, being easy to work with, delivering exceptional value, and staying in touch, you can become a go-to speaker for events.

Actionable Recommendations:

  1. Research Event Needs: Tailor your pitch to show how you can meet the event’s specific goals.

  2. Be Professional: Maintain clear, timely communication and flexibility throughout the process.

  3. Focus on Value: Deliver high-quality presentations that make the planner’s event shine.

  4. Follow Up: Keep in touch with event planners to build a lasting relationship and increase your chances of being booked again.

By fostering these relationships, you’ll not only secure more gigs but also build a reputation as a speaker who is a pleasure to work with and a reliable contributor to any event’s success.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Because you’re a loyal Peak Speak reader, we’re offering you a HUGE discount on one of our newest mini-courses. Check it out by clicking here Offer expires Aug 21, 2024

Call for Contributing Authors: Join the Peak Speak Community

Are you a seasoned speaker, an innovative coach, or a creative content creator with insights to share? We are on the lookout for passionate professionals like you to contribute to the Peak Speak Newsletter—a premier resource for the speaking and coaching community.

Why Contribute? By becoming a contributing author, you’ll have the opportunity to share your expertise with a vibrant and engaged audience that’s eager to learn and grow. It’s a chance to make a significant impact, enhance your professional visibility, and connect with other thought leaders in the industry.

What We're Looking For: We need content that inspires, educates, and motivates our readers. Your articles should provide actionable advice and fresh perspectives that help our audience of speakers, coaches, and content creators excel in their respective fields. Whether it's innovative speaking techniques, coaching tips, or creative strategies for content creation, we want to hear what you have to offer.

How to Get Involved: If you have an idea for an article or a series that can enlighten and empower our community, let’s talk! To ensure a fit that benefits both our readers and your goals, please schedule a time to discuss your ideas with me, Lord Al Jensen - THE Speak to Sell Talent Developer.

Book your slot now at Schedule a Call with Lord Al Jensen and let’s explore how you can contribute to the next editions of Peak Speak.

We're excited to possibly feature your work and share it with a broad audience of professionals who are continually seeking to improve and innovate. Join us in our mission to empower the next generation of speakers, coaches, and creators.

Looking forward to your unique insights and stories!

Wrap up

Alright, Peak Performers, you’ve got the tools—now it’s time to put them into action! 💪 Dive into the tips and strategies from this week’s articles and start implementing them in your next speaking engagements. Remember, every step you take towards mastering your voice, managing anxiety, delivering stunning impromptu speeches, and avoiding information overload brings you closer to becoming an unforgettable speaker.

Stay tuned for next week’s edition of Peak Speak, coming to you at no cost! We’ve got even more valuable insights and tips to elevate your speaking game. Don’t keep this treasure trove to yourself—invite your friends to join our growing community! They can subscribe to the newsletter at https://speakingsuccess-newsletter-0937e6.beehiiv.com/subscribe.

Until next week, keep speaking with confidence and clarity!