Speak Peak

Next Stage Speak to Sell Success

Hey there, Fellow Trailblazers,

You're reading the very first words of Speak Peak, and that's something special. I'm Al Jensen, but feel free to call me Lord Al if you're in a particularly regal mood today. I've stitched this newsletter together with one goal in mind: to explore the magic that happens when words leave our lips and land in the hearts and minds of our audience.

So, what's cooking with Speak Peak? We're all about sharpening our skills to sell from the stage—without sounding like we're selling anything at all. Whether you're stepping up to the mic for the first time or you're an old pro who's seen a bit of everything, there's always a new trick or two to stash up your sleeve. And that's where we come in. Think of this as our weekly coffee date, where we spill the beans on everything from nailing your narrative to dodging those stage fright jitters.

But hey, this isn't a solo act. Speak Peak is as much your playground as it is mine. And here's where it gets interesting: I've got a lineup of subject matter wizards ready to share their spells. Even better? There's room on this stage for more voices. If you've got insights burning a hole in your pocket or stories that could light up a room, I want to hear from you. Fancy being a contributing maestro? Shoot me a note at [email protected], and let's chat about how you can share your expertise with our eager audience.

We're still fine-tuning the clockwork to figure out the best time to drop this goodness in your inbox each week, but rest assured, anticipation is part of the excitement. Each edition of Speak Peak will be packed to the brim with value, sprinkled with humor, and wrapped in a whole lot of heart.

So, here's to the roads we'll travel, the stages we'll rock, and the conversations we'll spark. Welcome aboard. Let's make some waves together.

Till our paths cross again,

Lord Al Jensen
Storyteller, Stage Shaker, Mic Checker and Speak to Sell Talent Developer
Publisher - Speak Peak

P.S. This newsletter is our cozy corner of the internet—a nook where we get real about what lights up the stage and what fizzles out. Got something to say? I'm all ears. Let's make Speak Peak a beacon for speakers who dare to dazzle.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

The State of the Industry for Speakers Selling from Stage ~ Lord Al Jensen

In recent years, the speaking industry has undergone significant transformation, reshaping the landscape for speakers who sell from the stage. With the advent of digital technology and the shift towards virtual events, the art of selling from the stage has expanded beyond the physical platform to include the virtual realm. This evolution presents both challenges and opportunities for speakers.

The rise of webinars, online workshops, and virtual conferences has opened up new avenues for reaching audiences worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers and allowing speakers to amplify their message. However, this digital shift demands a new set of skills and strategies. Engaging an online audience and driving sales in a virtual environment requires mastering digital communication tools, understanding online audience behavior, and creating compelling digital content that converts.

Despite the digital surge, the essence of selling from the stage remains unchanged: the power of storytelling, the art of persuasion, and the ability to connect with the audience on a personal level. Today's successful speakers are those who can blend traditional speaking skills with digital savvy, leveraging both to create impactful, memorable presentations that drive sales.

As we look to the future, the industry is poised for further innovation, with augmented reality and interactive platforms promising to redefine the speaker-audience dynamic. For speakers selling from the stage, staying ahead means embracing change, continually honing their craft, and adapting to the evolving landscape of audience engagement.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

“I didn’t understand one thing in that presentation.” ~ Oreet Kaufman

Feeling lost during a presentation is like being stranded in a foreign land without a map. You sit there, trying to decipher the presenter's words, but it's like they're speaking a language you've never heard before. Your mind races, desperately trying to catch up, but the gap between what they're saying and what you understand only seems to widen.

It's frustrating, isn't it? You want to engage, to absorb the information being shared, but something just isn't clicking. Whatever the reason, feeling lost during a presentation is a common experience. So, what exactly makes a presentation confusing?

1. Lack of Structure: Presentations without a clear structure or flow can quickly become overwhelming. The audience struggles to follow the presenter's train of thought, leading to confusion and frustration.

2. Complex Language and Jargon: Using overly technical language or industry-specific jargon without providing explanations can alienate audience members who are not familiar with the terminology. Clear communication is key to ensuring everyone can follow along.

3. Information Overload: Trying to cram too much information into a single presentation can backfire. Instead of enriching the audience's understanding, it can lead to cognitive overload, making it difficult for them to retain key points.

4. Lack of Visual Clarity: Visual aids should enhance understanding, not detract from it. Presenters who overload slides with text or cluttered graphics risk confusing their audience rather than clarifying their message.

Oreet Kaufman is an accomplished Presentation Specialist dedicated to crafting polished slide decks that elevate speaking events and webinars to new heights that ensure you not only stand out but leave a lasting impact on your audience. Through compelling narratives and captivating visuals, Oreet transforms ideas into unforgettable experiences, where every slide resonates with purpose and power.  To find out more about partnering with Oreet, email [email protected] or follow on LinkedIn. Let's talk before your next presentation. 

Your voice is one of your brand's most powerful tools ~ Schroeder Nordholt 

This article aims to shed light on how honing its potential fosters stronger relationships, opens doors to new opportunities, and leads to greater financial success.

1. Networking and Relationship Building:

Success often hinges on the strength of your relationships. By mastering various vocal techniques, you forge genuine connections that lay the foundation for long-term partnerships and lucrative collaborations.

2. Leadership and Influence:

As a leader, vocal training empowers you to command attention, inspire action, and influence others with conviction and authenticity..

3. Professional Branding and Marketing:

Vocal training enables you to cultivate a distinct and memorable vocal identity that sets you apart from the competition. A polished and authoritative voice enhances your credibility, attracting clients, customers, and lucrative opportunities.

4. Entrepreneurial Ventures and Revenue Streams:

For entrepreneurs, your voice can be a gateway to multiple revenue streams. Whether you're launching a podcast, offering online courses, or hosting live events, vocal training enhances your ability to engage and captivate your audience, driving traffic, sales, and ultimately, profitability. 

In essence, vocal training isn't just about singing; it's about harnessing your full potential to elevate every aspect of your personal and professional life, and can help pave the way to unparalleled financial success and fulfillment.

Schroeder Nordholt is a seasoned voice coach with over 2 decades of experience empowering speakers, singers and actors to enjoy a fuller and more lucrative career by harnessing the power in their voice. For insights, further discussion, or questions on how to tap into your own vocal potential, reach out to Schroeder at [email protected] or follow on Instagram @micdropvoicecoach. Let's continue the conversation

That’s a wrap for this first edition of Speak Peak. Watch your email box for next weeks edition and don’t forget to reach out to [email protected] if you’d like to comment on the newsletter or your experience!