Peak Speak

Your Weekly Dose of Elevating Your Speaking Skills Newsletter

Welcome to this weeks edition of Peak Speak - Your Weekly Dose of Elevating Your Speaking Skills Newsletter

This is edition #4. We’re still getting our feet under us, but just know we’re committed to bringing you valuable content each week which will hopefully inspire, motivate and move you to elevate your speaking skills as well as your speaking business development skills.

We’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to [email protected] with your comments, complaints or suggestions.

With that bit of business out of the way . . . let’s get to the good stuff!

Understanding the Readiness of Your Audience: A Lesson from Socrates

In the world of coaching, speaking, and content creation, effectiveness hinges not just on the quality of the information shared but significantly on the readiness of the audience to receive it. Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers of ancient Greece, captured this essential truth in his advice: "Give instruction only to those who seek knowledge after they have discovered their own ignorance." This sage advice holds a critical lesson for today's educators and communicators: True engagement begins only after the audience acknowledges a gap in their knowledge.

The Importance of Audience Readiness

When individuals recognize a deficiency in their understanding or skills, they enter a state of readiness where learning can take place effectively. They are like soil tilled and ready for planting, receptive to new seeds of knowledge. This state of readiness not only facilitates smoother information absorption but also ensures that the teachings are more likely to be retained and implemented.

In contrast, attempting to impart knowledge to someone unaware of their need for it can be futile and often counterproductive. It's akin to pouring water on unyielded ground—it simply does not penetrate deep enough to foster growth. For speakers and educators, recognizing and responding to this readiness is key to transforming passive listeners into active, engaged learners.

Strategies to Enhance Learning Engagement

Engage with Questions: Before diving into your presentation or workshop, engage your audience with probing questions that encourage self-reflection. Questions like "What challenges are you currently facing in this area?" or "Have you experienced similar situations?" can prompt participants to recognize their own gaps in knowledge or skills.

Highlight Common Challenges: Utilize your platform to shine a light on widespread issues or challenges within your industry. By outlining these common difficulties, you may help participants identify and relate to their own problems, increasing their openness to the solutions you offer.

Tailor Your Messages: Adapt your speech to meet your audience where they are. Understand the different levels of awareness within your audience and customize your message to speak directly to those levels. This tailored approach ensures that your message is relevant and resonant, making it more likely to be welcomed and acted upon.

The Role of Storytelling

Storytelling is an effective tool in bridging the gap between unawareness and readiness. Sharing stories that illustrate the problems you address can viscerally demonstrate to the audience the relevance of your topic to their own lives. These narratives can be powerful catalysts for change, moving your audience from passive reception to active engagement.

Applying Socrates’ Wisdom

As you prepare to educate and inspire, remember the wisdom of Socrates. Evaluate the readiness of your audience before you begin to teach or speak. This approach not only enhances the receptivity of your audience but also maximizes the impact of your efforts.

Call to Action

To put this concept into practice, start by surveying your next audience before your presentation. This could be as simple as sending out a pre-event questionnaire to gauge their current challenges and knowledge levels or starting your session with a few interactive questions to warm up the group. Use this information to adjust your presentation in real-time, tailoring your content to better meet the audience’s needs.

By engaging with your audience’s current state, you not only respect their journey of learning but also position yourself as a facilitator of meaningful change. So, take this step today, and transform how you connect with your audience forever.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales

In the bustling world of business, the art of crafting a compelling sales letter is akin to striking gold. A well-written sales letter not only captures attention but also persuades and converts, turning readers into eager customers. Here’s how you can write a sales letter that doesn’t just talk but sells.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you type a single word, know who you’re talking to. What are their needs, desires, fears, and pain points? A deep understanding of your audience allows you to tailor your message effectively, making it resonate on a personal level. Remember, a great sales letter feels like a one-on-one conversation with your reader, addressing their specific needs and how your product or service provides the solution.

2. Craft A Compelling Headline

Your headline is the gatekeeper of your sales letter. It either draws readers in or pushes them away. Make it irresistible. Use action words, create curiosity, or highlight a major benefit. Your headline should convey the value of continuing to read. Think of it as the pitch to your pitch.

3. Open With Impact

The opening of your sales letter should hook the reader immediately. Start with an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement that aligns with your audience's interests or challenges. The first few sentences set the tone for the entire letter, so make them count.

4. Address the Problem

Empathize with your readers by acknowledging their challenges. Show that you understand what they’re going through and that you’re here to offer a solution. This not only builds trust but also positions your product or service as the ideal solution to their problems.

5. Present Your Solution

Introduce your offering as the hero that will solve their problems. Explain clearly and concisely what your product or service does and why it’s unique. Highlight the benefits, not just the features. How does it make your customer's life easier, better, or more enjoyable? Remember, benefits sell.

6. Include Social Proof

Trust is a huge factor in sales. Include testimonials, case studies, or customer reviews that prove the value of your product. Real-life examples of satisfied customers not only enhance credibility but also demonstrate the effectiveness of your offering.

7. Make an Irresistible Offer

Sweeten the deal. Your offer should be so good that it’s hard to refuse. Whether it’s a limited-time discount, a free trial, or a bonus product, make sure it adds tangible value to the purchase.

8. Create a Strong Call to Action

Don’t leave your readers guessing what to do next. Your call to action should be clear, urgent, and compelling. Use action-oriented language that prompts the reader to act now—whether it’s to buy, subscribe, call, or visit a website.

9. Postscript (P.S.)

Often, the P.S. in a sales letter is highly read and remembered. Use it to restate the offer, reinforce the urgency, or include a secondary benefit of the product.


A riveting sales letter is more than just words on a page; it’s a crafted message designed to convert. It speaks directly to the reader, resonates with their needs and desires, and leads them toward taking action.

Call to Action

Ready to turn your sales letters into conversion machines? Start by revisiting your current sales letter. Apply these tips to enhance its effectiveness. Need more guidance? Reach out for a personalized review of your sales content. Let’s ensure your words not only read well but also bring results. Contact us today, and let’s craft sales letters that sell!

This guide provides a structured approach to creating sales letters that are not only engaging but also drive conversions, ensuring your communications are as effective as they are compelling.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

The Perfect Match: A Tale of Understanding and Compassion

In the cozy corner of a bustling neighborhood, a small pet shop displayed a sign, "Puppies for Sale," which caught the eye of passersby, drawing the attention of all who longed for a new furry companion. Among these was a young boy, who, day after day, stood peering through the shop's window, his eyes fixed on the joyful play of a litter of puppies.

One sunny afternoon, with determination in his steps and a jangle of coins in his pocket, the boy entered the shop. His heart was set on one special puppy, and today was the day he'd make his choice. He approached the counter, pulled out his handful of coins, which totaled $2.37, and asked the shop owner, "Can I please see the puppies?"

The pet shop owner smiled, understanding the boy’s excitement, and called out. The air filled with the pitter-patter of tiny paws as a proud mother dog, Lady, led her litter down the aisle. But trailing behind was a small, limping puppy, struggling to keep up.

"That's the one," the boy pointed, his voice firm and filled with certainty.

The shop owner paused, explaining to the boy that this puppy had a hip problem and would always limp. "You might not want to buy this one," he suggested gently, hoping to spare the boy disappointment.

But the boy's mind was made up. "That’s the puppy I want. How much is he?" he asked eagerly.

When the owner tried to dissuade him, offering the puppy for free, the boy was adamant. He pulled up his pant leg, revealing a metal brace supporting his own imperfect leg. "I don’t run so well myself," he explained. "This puppy will need someone who understands."

It was a moment of deep connection, a realization that sometimes, the best friendships are formed not in spite of our imperfections, but because of them. The boy paid his $2.37, promising fifty cents a month until the price was fully covered. He knew the value of the limping puppy was not in his ability to run or jump, but in his perfect match for a boy who saw beyond the surface.

This story reminds us that compassion and empathy are the bonds that truly enrich our lives. Like the boy and the puppy, many out there are waiting for someone to see them — really see them — and to offer them a chance at a better life.

Call to Action:

In our community, many are like the limping puppy, needing just a little help to find their perfect match. This season, let's extend our understanding and support to those who are often overlooked. Whether it's volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, let's be the ones who understand.

Join us in making a difference. Reach out, participate in our upcoming community drives, or help us spread stories of compassion and companionship. Together, we can ensure that no one is left behind because everyone deserves a chance to be understood and loved.

Let this tale inspire you to take action, to reach out, and to create connections that matter. Together, we can make the world a kinder, more compassionate place.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

That’s it for this week. If you’d like to be considered for a contributing author spot, please schedule a time to discuss it with Lord Al Jensen at

Keep an eye out for next weeks newsletter which will include info on how YOU can help spread the word about this publication that can help your colleagues and clients elevate their message to the next stage!