New Welcome to Peak Speak #107

Your Weekly Dose of Elevating Your Speaking Skills Newsletter

Welcome to Peak Speak #107- Your Weekly Dose of Elevating Your Speaking Skills Newsletter

Welcome back to another edition of Peak Speak, where the pulse of public speaking and coaching doesn't just beat—it resonates! 🚀

Each day in our world brings new tools, new ideas, and breakthroughs that keep reshaping our landscape. It’s a thrilling time to be a communicator, and my mission is to keep you equipped and informed so you’re always a step ahead.

This week, we’re diving even deeper. We're not just chasing trends; we’re uncovering the revolutionary tactics that will define our industry's future. Tailored for you, the bold speakers, the innovative coaches, and the visionary entrepreneurs, our content is crafted to not only inform but to transform.

At Peak Speak, we believe in more than just sharing knowledge—we're here to foster a movement. A movement where skills are sharpened, ideas are shared, and potential is unlocked. We’re building a community that thrives on application and results, not just theory.

Join me as we navigate this journey, loaded with insights that promise to enhance your capabilities and ignite your spirit.

Let’s jump into this week’s content—packed with inspiration and practical advice to refine your craft and enchant your audience.

We also have something special for you! Keep your eyes on the lookout for the debut of "Peak Speak Perks" in this newsletter. It’s tucked away somewhere, waiting for you to discover—a free training resource exclusively for our subscribers. Make sure to read through to find this hidden gem!

Excited? You should be! Your next big breakthrough is just pages away.

Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, or even a lightbulb moment you've had because of our newsletter. Drop us an email at [email protected]. We are all ears and always here for you.

And now, without further ado, let's dive into the good stuff and see what transformative insights await in this week’s Peak Speak.

Five Tips to Help You Look Professional in Virtual Meetings

In the era of remote work, virtual meetings have become a staple of our professional lives. Looking professional and presentable isn’t just about dressing up; it’s about mastering the nuances of digital interaction. Here are five actionable tips to ensure you convey professionalism and credibility in your next virtual meeting.

1. Optimize Your Background and Lighting

Your environment speaks volumes before you even utter a word. A cluttered or distracting background can detract from the professional image you want to project. Opt for a clean, neutral backdrop or use a professional virtual background if your physical space isn't ideal. Ensure your face is well-lit, preferably with natural light facing you, or use a ring light to avoid shadows.

Action Step: Prior to your next meeting, spend a few minutes adjusting your webcam setup. Experiment with lighting and background options to find the best setting that highlights a tidy, work-appropriate environment.

2. Dress for Success

While working from home might tempt you to prioritize comfort over style, maintaining a professional appearance is crucial. You don’t need to wear a suit, but wearing clean, business-appropriate attire helps set the tone for the meeting. This doesn’t just influence how others perceive you; it can also significantly impact how you feel and perform in the meeting.

Action Step: Set out your outfit the night before your next virtual meeting. Choose something that you’d feel comfortable wearing in an in-person professional setting. This small preparation can put you in the right mindset for a productive session.

3. Master the Mute and Camera Buttons

Being adept at controlling your mute and camera settings is a small but vital aspect of virtual meeting etiquette. Turning on your camera when appropriate shows engagement and readiness to participate, while muting when not speaking minimizes background noise.

Action Step: Test your audio and video settings before the meeting begins to avoid any technical glitches. Learn the keyboard shortcuts for muting and unmuting yourself on your preferred conferencing platform to ensure smooth communication.

4. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is key in virtual meetings. Speak clearly and concisely, making sure to pause frequently for questions and comments to make the session interactive. Maintaining eye contact with the camera can also help in making a strong connection with your audience, simulating eye contact as if you were face-to-face.

Action Step: During your next virtual meeting, make a conscious effort to look into the camera as you speak. This practice will help in establishing rapport and maintaining engagement with your audience. Additionally, jot down key points you want to discuss before the meeting to stay on topic and articulate your thoughts clearly.

5. Stay Engaged and Minimize Distractions

In a virtual setting, it’s easy to become distracted. Keeping your engagement level high shows respect and attentiveness to the speaker. Avoid multitasking, such as checking emails or browsing the web during the meeting. These actions are often more noticeable than you might think, especially if your camera is on.

Action Step: Close unnecessary tabs and apps on your computer before the meeting starts. If possible, use a second monitor to keep your meeting screen separate from your workspace, allowing you to focus fully on the meeting and the participants.

By implementing these tips, you can enhance your professionalism in virtual meetings and make meaningful contributions to your team’s communication. Remember, the goal of these actions is not just to look professional but to foster a productive and respectful meeting environment.

Final Action to Take: After your next virtual meeting, reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Ask for feedback from a trusted colleague or mentor on your meeting presence. Continuous improvement will lead to better performance and recognition in your professional sphere.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

Unleash Your Podcasting Beast Mode: Insights from Digital Diva

Hey there, champions!

Digital Diva here, and today we're diving deep into why podcasting isn't just the next big thing—it's the ultimate weapon in your arsenal. So buckle up, because we're about to light a fire under your ambitions.

First off, let's talk connection. Blogs? Yeah, they're like whispering into the wind. But with podcasts, you're bringing the raw, unfiltered YOU straight to your audience. No BS, no filters—just real talk that cuts through the noise.

And let's talk convenience. You think a little Wi-Fi outage is gonna stop you? Hell no. Podcasts are your battle cry, your rally call—ready to roll wherever you go. Strap in, hit play, and let's dominate the airwaves.

Now, let's talk about personality. Blogs? They're like cardboard cutouts. But with podcasts, your voice becomes your weapon. Let that passion, that grit, that fire roar through the mic. This ain't about fitting in—it's about standing out.

But here's the kicker: versatility. Your podcast isn't just audio—it's a juggernaut of content waiting to be unleashed. Transcripts, videos, social snippets—let's blitz every platform and leave our mark.

And accessibility? Forget about it. No fancy gadgets needed—just a device that plays MP3s and a hunger for greatness. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to domination.

Now, I won't sugarcoat it—podcasting takes work. But guess what? We thrive on hard work. So lace up those boots, grit your teeth, and let's get after it.

And last but not least, networking. Want to rub shoulders with the titans of your industry? Cue the expert interviews. With a dash of hustle and a sprinkle of guts, you'll have the giants knocking down your door.

Take charge:

"Now, let's channel this energy into action. This week, commit to launching your podcast. Choose a topic that ignites your passion and start outlining your first episode. Set aside time each day to work on your content and research potential guests for future episodes. Invest in a quality microphone and recording setup to ensure your message comes through loud and clear. And most importantly, hit that record button and let your voice be heard. Remember, greatness isn't achieved overnight, but every step you take this week brings you closer to dominating the airwaves and leaving your mark on the world. Let's make it happen!"

So, there you have it, warriors. Podcasting isn't just a trend—it's a war cry. So grab that mic, unleash your beast mode, and let's conquer the airwaves together.

Stay relentless,

Nicole Borghi, the "Digital Diva," is dedicated to helping clients Stand Out and Shine through Virtual Stages. Her unique approach blends creativity, technology, and strategy to empower businesses with rapid growth and increased profits. Reach out to Nicole at [email protected] or across the Web @nicoleborghi

Maximizing Impact: Crafting Calls to Action That Convert

In the world of speaking, coaching, content creation, and entrepreneurship, the call to action (CTA) is the crescendo of your message, the moment where persuasion meets decision, and intent transforms into action. Crafting a CTA that converts is both an art and a science, requiring clarity, precision, and an understanding of what motivates your audience. Here's how you can maximize the impact of your calls to action, turning passive listeners into active participants and casual browsers into committed buyers.

Understand Your Audience's Journey

The first step in crafting an effective CTA is deeply understanding your audience's journey. What path have they taken to arrive at this moment? What needs, desires, or problems have propelled them here? By mapping out this journey, you can tailor your CTA to resonate with where they are and where they aspire to go, making the action you’re asking them to take feel like a natural next step.

Clarity is Key

A compelling CTA is unmistakably clear. It tells your audience exactly what action you want them to take, how to do it, and what they’ll gain as a result. Whether it's subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a guide, or making a purchase, your CTA should leave no room for ambiguity. Remember, clarity leads to conviction, and conviction leads to action.

Invoke Emotion

Emotion is a powerful driver of action. Infuse your CTA with language that taps into the emotions you want your audience to feel—whether that’s excitement, curiosity, or a fear of missing out (FOMO). Emotional triggers can dramatically increase the likelihood of your audience taking the step you're guiding them towards.

Offer Value

Your CTA should clearly communicate the value of taking the suggested action. What will your audience learn, gain, or achieve by clicking that button or filling out that form? Highlighting the immediate or long-term benefits can motivate your audience to act, especially if the offer aligns closely with their needs and goals.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Incorporating a sense of urgency or scarcity in your CTA can significantly boost conversions. Phrases like "Limited time offer," "Join the exclusive group," or "Only a few spots left" compel your audience to act now rather than later. However, it’s crucial that this urgency is genuine. Misleading your audience can harm trust and damage your reputation.

Test and Refine

The effectiveness of CTAs can vary widely based on numerous factors, including wording, placement, and design. Implement A/B testing to try out different versions of your CTA to see which performs better. Testing allows you to refine your approach based on real data, optimizing your CTAs for maximum impact.

Keep It Visually Distinct

For digital content, the visual aspect of your CTA can significantly affect its performance. Ensure that your CTA buttons or links are visually distinct and easy to find. Use contrasting colors, bold fonts, or icons to make them stand out. A visually appealing CTA not only catches the eye but also invites action.

Leverage Social Proof

Incorporating social proof near your CTA can enhance its persuasiveness. Testimonials, success stories, or user statistics lend credibility to your message and reassure your audience about the decision they’re about to make. Seeing that others have taken the step and benefited can be just the push needed to convert hesitation into action.

Make It Accessible

Accessibility is critical in ensuring that all members of your audience can respond to your CTA. This means designing your CTA to be easily navigable and actionable by everyone, including those with disabilities. Use descriptive link text, ensure keyboard navigability, and consider color contrast for visibility. An accessible CTA is not just inclusive; it expands your reach.

Conclusion: The Art of Conversion

Crafting a call to action that converts is crucial in turning your audience’s interest into tangible outcomes. By understanding your audience, employing clarity and emotion, highlighting value, creating urgency, and continuously refining your approach, you can develop CTAs that resonate deeply and drive desired actions. Remember, a well-crafted CTA is the bridge between your message and its impact, transforming passive engagement into active participation. Master this, and you unlock the potential to not just reach your audience but move them.

Lord Al Jensen is a seasoned speak to sell talent developer with multiple decades of experience working with speakers, coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs captivate their audiences. For insights, further discussion, or questions on mastering the art of speaking to sell, reach out to Al at [email protected]  Let's continue the conversation.

This week, Peak Speak Perks offers a Sneak Peak at a program that I developed for my tribe a few months ago: The Know - Like - Trust Code.

Now, this isn’t the entire program . . . it’s a 15 page introduction to the program. It’s got some great ideas on how YOU can build Know - Like - Trust within your organization.

If you want the entire program, I’ve embedded a super discount . . . something like 75% discount over the normal price. But don’t worry . . . if it’s not for you, just download the preview with my compliments and you’ll find some great ideas for implementing the concepts into your business. No Cost!

Please just drop me an email at [email protected] and let me know what you think.

Fair enough? I hope so!

Click the link below to get YOUR Peak Speak Perk now!

That’s it for this week. If you’d like to be considered for a contributing author spot, please schedule a time to discuss it with Lord Al Jensen at

Keep an eye out for next weeks newsletter which will include info on how YOU can help spread the word about this publication that can help your colleagues and clients elevate their message to the next stage!